Your OfficersYour Officers

Student Living Officer

kira brookes

kira brookes

Tell us a bit about yourself, your role and your time at Exeter

I’ve just finished my Psychology degree, and now I’m thrilled to be taking on the role of Student Living Officer. While I was at Uni, I was President of the Feminist society and Press and Publicity officer for Exeter Model United Nations.

As Student Living Officer, I’ll be getting stuck in in plenty of different places, working on a bunch of different projects and talking to students on things like housing, cost of living, and safety, so feel free to get in touch with the things that matter to you!

Favourite spot in Exeter (or on campus)

The Cathedral green in the summer <3

If you could recommend one thing the Students’ Guild offers for students to get involved in, what would it be?

Get involved with events! There are so many opportunities and events to go to, and there will be something you’ll enjoy somewhere- use your time at uni to find your passions and try new things. It also helps you to meet new people and make new friends.

Top study tip?

Figure out how you work best to maximise your study time- you don’t have to work 9-5 if you’re more productive in the evenings!

What’s one thing at uni you couldn’t live without?

Sounds cheesy, but my friends- finding my people made my university experience so much more fulfilling and fun.

What’s your perfect day in Exeter?

A picnic by the quay and a drink in the Impy garden when it’s sunny.

What’s one piece of advice you would give to students?

Don’t worry if you don’t find your best friends straight away. Finding your crowd can take a while (I made most of my close friends in my third year) and while it can feel lonely at the beginning, you will settle in and make amazing friendships, sometimes in the most unlikely places.

Why did you decide to campaign to be an officer?

During my time at Exeter, I was really involved with campaigns within the Feminist society, and it inspired me to want to empower others to make the changes I would have loved to see while I was studying at Uni.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m not in the office, you can usually find me in the Ram- I love a drink and a chat to unwind in the evenings.

Check out what your other officers had to say!
Check out what your other officers had to say!
Alex Stanley
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