Your Student Priorities
Exeter students

Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Continuation and expansion of our exam de-stress programme

We did this by doing that


Better promotion and signposting to existing wellbeing services: who to go to and how to access them

We did this by doing that


Work with the University to improve the current approach to mitigation by introducing quicker response times

We did this by doing that


Increase in Guild-led wellness-based activities e.g., therapy dogs

We did this by doing that


Improve health & wellbeing provisions on campus alongside the University, including enhancing access to health services on campus

We did this by doing that


Ensure academic pastoral support is available for all students alongside the existing support offered by personal tutors

We did this by doing that

Exeter students sitting in a row

Delivering more career focused events, including careers fairs and employer talks

We did this by doing that


Review the Guild’s approach to student staff with the goal to create more paid opportunities

We did this by doing that


Better signposting of existing career services and opportunities

We did this by doing that


Networking events for students to meet part-time employers in Exeter

We did this by doing that


Ensure a range of paid roles are available that are accessible to all students

We did this by doing that

Job Prospects
The Exeter Students' Guild Full-Time Officers 2023-24

More networking opportunities for students and staff for communities throughout the year to meet other students

We did this by doing that


Support settling in of international students through promoting and collaborating with the existing buddy scheme

We did this by doing that


A dedicated programme of events and activities aimed at PGR and St Luke’s students

We did this by doing that


Supporting the delivery of cultural celebrations and student-led cultural events across campuses

We did this by doing that


Build inclusivity into everything the Guild does, through student consultation, staff training and review of current barriers to engagement

We did this by doing that

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
International Students at Exeter

Better promotion of existing financial support and how students can access it

We did this by doing that


Increase freebies and giveaways throughout the year

We did this by doing that


Tailored financial guidance for students

We did this by doing that


Introduction of a ‘student exchange’ for students to swap and pick up free household items, clothing, sports kit etc

We did this by doing that


Introduce a Campus Food cupboard for students to pick up free essentials

We did this by doing that


Scope developing a free transport scheme to low cost supermarkets and key locations in Exeter

We did this by doing that


Work towards a campaign to push for regulated rental costs in Exeter

We did this by doing that

Living Costs
Exeter students and a row of houses

Share information about the existing student communities at Exeter and how to get involved

We did this by doing that


Greater advocacy for student housing rights

We did this by doing that


Ensure consistency with the offering of free period products across toilets on all campuses

We did this by doing that


Develop our campaigns hub to provide students with information and support on campaigning and activism

We did this by doing that


Greater support for students to launch campaigns on issues that matter to them

We did this by doing that


University and Guild to be more sustainable with more opportunities for accountability

We did this by doing that

Campaigns, Initiatives & Activism
Exeter students engaging in activism

Increase of free and low-cost events across campus with input from students to ensure the events are relevant and desirable to attend

We did this by doing that


Working with societies to review membership prices, event delivery and increasing the frequency of non-alcohol events.

We did this by doing that


Incorporate free food and refreshments into all events and activities where possible

We did this by doing that


Greater promotion of arts-based events and activities to provide creative experiences and opportunities for students

We did this by doing that


Better promotion of upcoming events and activities

We did this by doing that

Events and Activities
Exeter students taking part in activities