Your OfficersYour Officers

Societies and Employability Officer

india walton-salmon

india walton-salmon

Tell us a bit about yourself, your role and your time at Exeter

Tell us a bit about yourself, your role and your time at Exeter. Hey, I’m India and I can’t wait to spend next year as your Societies and Employability Officer! I’ve just finished a degree in Film and Television studies and spent most of my time at society events or working part time at the career zone (and occasionally I went to lectures). During my time at Exeter, I’ve been president for Uni Boob Team (a breast cancer awareness society) and Sexpression (a sex education charity), but I also treasured for 93% Club (a social mobility society for state school students).

My role this year involves lots of really cool things like working with the University on everything employability. I will also be working closely with the Activities and Campus Engagement teams, especially with society queries and events.

Favourite spot in Exeter (or on campus)

My favourite place in Exeter is probably the quay – it’s so beautiful in the summer. Although they have just opened a Lucy and Yak shop in town so maybe that will be my new favourite place.

If you could recommend one thing the Students’ Guild offers for students to get involved in, what would it be?

It’s literally in my job title so I might be a bit biased, but I genuinely believe that societies are one of the best things ever! They are a great way to meet people outside of your course and flat. Most of my favourite uni memories are from socials and I have genuinely made lifelong friends from the societies I've been a part of. With over 300 societies, we really do have a society for everything - so you’ll find one for you! But if not, you can always set one up.

Top study tip?

I’m probably not the best person to ask this as I spent way too many late nights writing essays the day before they were due... my study tip would probably not to do that!

What’s one thing at uni you couldn’t live without?

It might sound silly, but I really couldn’t live without photos! In my first year I brought a load of printed photos of my family and friends from back home (and most importantly my dog) and stuck them on my wall so I could look at them whilst I was studying. It was a real comfort after moving 250 miles away and living in a completely new city. Now my wall is filled with memories from the last four years of uni!

What’s your perfect day in Exeter?

That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!

What’s one piece of advice you would give to students?

Know your limits! It’s really easy to get caught up in university life, but there’s a real value in taking a step back and just taking everything in.

Why did you decide to campaign to be an Officer?

I decided to campaign to be an officer because I’ve really loved my time at Exeter and want to use your feedback and my lived experiences and to advocate for student’s priorities.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

As an ex-film student, I spend most of my spare time watching all sorts of films and television programs. I’d love to hear about all the amazing things you’ve been watching!

Check out what your other officers had to say!
Check out what your other officers had to say!
Alex Stanley
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