
A Statement on the Streatham Campus encampment

Read your Officer's statement here- Exeter Students' Guild (@exeterguild) • Instagram photos and videos

This week, student protestors began an encampment on Streatham campus in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

We will always stand in support of the rights of our students, staff colleagues, and members of the community in exercising their legal rights to free speech, including protest. The power of student voices is strong, as we have seen across the global and throughout history, students have been at the forefront of movements for social justice.

Guild facilities and resources

We are committed to supporting the rights of all of our students to peacefully protest, and we want to remind you that all students have access to amenities at the Guild.

Hot water and microwaves can be accessed on the ground floor and first floor of Devonshire House. Our Wellbeing Cupboard is located next to the kitchenette on the ground floor where we stock a variety of free wellbeing products. Students can also use our spaces to charge their devices and some food items are available in the Greenhouse as part of our Exam De-Stress campaign.

The Guild’s Advice team are here should you need any advice on academic concerns and are able to signpost where issues fall outside of their areas of expertise. Our staff members and members of the Officer team are also visiting the camp every day to offer practical guidance and support.

Please do not hesitate to approach Guild Reception (open 10:30 – 18:30 on weekdays) on the first floor of Devonshire House or a member of staff if we can support you with additional needs.

Any Guild affiliated society is able to organise a protest or speaker event through our Activities Team, who have resources and procedures in place to ensure the safety for all involved.

We also have a number of resources available for any student campaigners including foamex boards, high vis jackets, and first aid kits. If you want to discuss what is on offer, you can email us at

Creating a safe environment

We will always support students in exercising their right to conduct safe, non-hateful protests and take our role of protecting freedom of speech within the law, very seriously. We remain steadfast in our dedication to the welfare of all students, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment, our priority is your wellbeing and safety.

If you choose to participate in a discussion around what is a very sensitive and highly emotive issue, please do so respectfully, and be aware that you may encounter ideas that challenge or distress you. We urge you to prioritise the welfare and safety of yourself and those around you.

Hate speech and discrimination

We want to reaffirm that any form of hate speech or discrimination of any kind is absolutely unacceptable.

If you witness or are subject to any form of hate, discrimination or harassment, please report this via Exeter Speaks Out.

If you feel personally intimidated or unsafe and need immediate help, please use the SafeZone app to alert the security team.

We will continue to support all students, student groups and campaigners impacted in any way by the current circumstances to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all involved.

Your Students’ Guild

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