Our Trustees

The Students’ Guild is a registered charity, which means it is governed by a Trustee Board.

Want to know more about how we spend our money? You can find out all the details at Companies House.

The trustees delegate authority to the Chief Executive (Ali) to manage the regular operations of the Guild, and also to achieve the Guild’s strategy. The Students’ Guild is run on a day-to-day basis by its staff, elected Officers and volunteers directed by its members' needs.

Trustee board Meeting Minutes

Our Trustee Board

The Students’ Guild Trustee Board is made up of:

Full-Time Officers Are:

Alex Martin

Alex has been at Exeter for four years doing a History degree and a Masters in Middle East studies. He spent two years working with the Guild as a student trustee and on two occasions as a National Union of Students (NUS) National Conference Delegate before being elected Guild President in 2024. While at Exeter Alex has been active in several different student groups including representing the university in competitions as part of the Debating Society.

Sebastian Racisz

Sebastian is the Education Officer elected to represent student voices in the 2024/2025 academic year. Before his election, Sebastian studied for a BA in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and acted as the treasurer of the University of Exeter Labour Society. Sebastian has a long history of political activism, fighting for local issues with on-the-ground action as well as nationwide through work with groups like Oxfam to achieve national change.

Bringing forward this experience, as well as his deep-rooted care for educational reform, to this role, Sebastian is looking to give students a real voice and help build a system that works for students

India Walton Salmon

India studied Film and Television before being elected by students as the 24/25 Societies and Employability Officer. During her studies, India was very engaged in a variety of societies and was President of the Sexpression and Uni Boob Team societies and treasurer for the 93% Club society. She was also an intern for the Career Zone and hopes to use this knowledge to highlight their amazing opportunities, so all students can make the most of their services. India is passionate about widening participation, ensuring that there are no boundaries to accessing societies and that our student leaders feel well-supported in their roles.

Thomas Tran

Thomas is a graduate in English & Creative Writing. Hailing from the Washington metropolitan area, they’ve lived in Exeter for three years now and is thrilled to serve Exeter students as your Communities & Equality Officer. There is no concern or proposal too small to be heard. If it affects you, he wants to help! Thomas has experience campaigning for LGBTQ+ issues and candidates in U.S. politics and is particularly passionate about mental health, intersectionality, and how different groups can uplift each other. Every person, no matter their race, gender, background, religion, or disability should have equal opportunities without barriers of affordability, discrimination, or lack of accessibility. There’s so much we can do to make our communities safer and a place to find genuine, life-long friendships. Let’s work together for a better Exeter! Thomas’ email is always open thomas.tran@exeterguild.com

Kira Brookes

Kira studied BA Psychological Studies before being elected to the role of Student Living Officer for 2024/2025. Throughout her time at University, she was heavily involved with societies, taking on the role of President in the Exeter Feminist Society for 2023/2024. She is hugely passionate about safety and accessibility on campus, as well as helping students with the Cost of Living Crisis. She is really looking forward to working with students and empowering their voices within the Guild and beyond.

Student Trustees

There are up to five Trustees of the Students’ Guild who are current Exeter students (not Full-Time Officers, student staff or members of Elections Group). They are appointed from the student body.

Edward O'Sullivan

Edward started as a Trustee this year (2024) as a second-year student of History and Ancient History, with a particular interest in Ancient Roman History. Alongside his degree, he is an active member of a number of different societies, including the Classics Society and the Model United Nations Society, and is the Treasurer of Choral Society. He looks forward to working with the rest of the Board to help improve the Guild and provide the best experience for all students.

Photo of Trustee Fanar Al-Derzi

Fanar Al-Derzi

Fanar Al-Derzi, originally from Iraq, born in Jordan, and now residing in London, is a current Bachelor of Engineering and Entrepreneurship student at the University of Exeter. Fanar is passionate about entrepreneurship, leadership and strategic thinking. Fanar has worked in property management and operations, and feels as though they can bring a global perspective to the Board experience, and experience working within the University of Exeter, to drive innovation and community engagement. Fanar joins the Board this 2024/2025 academic year with a commitment to excellence and is looking forward to make contributions to the work of the Students’ Guild, and improving student experience.

Agneta Ravindran Buvana

Agneta Ravindran Buvana

I trust that my experience as Director for the world’s largest youth-run organisation I.I.M.U.N. has empowered me to gain a comprehensive understanding of academia. My enthusiasm, dedication, and adherence to the Nolan values of public life, in its entirety, will improve my experience with the Guild. I look forward to working tirelessly to ensure that we address the needs and concerns of students and that the Students’ Guild is transparent and accountable in all of its actions and decisions. I am thrilled to bring my leadership skills and collaborative spirit to the table and work with others to achieve common goals.

Ella Trudgeon

Ella Trudgeon

Ella has started as Trustee for the Guild this year (2023), and is  going into her second year studying BSc Sociology. Alongside her degree, Ella  is an active member of a number of societies, including Campaigns Officer of  Femsoc in her first year, and now Vice President of Femsoc and Treasurer of  Rethinking. She is also a keen member of the Open Water Swimming Society and  Concert Band where she plays the clarinet.

Reuben Sek

Reuben Sek

Reuben is an international  student from Malaysia who has started as Trustee for the Guild this year  (2023), and is going into their second year of an undergraduate law degree.  Reuben was recently elected General Secretary of the Exeter Malaysian  Society, and is also an active member of the University's Law Society. Having  felt greatly supported by Guild and University initiatives during their first  year, Reuben is eager to give back to the university community with a view to  ensuring student satisfaction and improving it where possible.

External Trustees

There are up to five external Trustees from the local community who are appointed by the Board and students on the Guild Advisory Board.

Charles Jones

Charles Jones

Charles is a proud University of Exeter and St Luke’s alumni. He has worked in Finance for 8 years, leading sales teams across Europe with a focus on employee growth. Charles cares deeply about EDI and has led a range of initiatives within Employee Resources Groups, external committees and advocacy roles. Charles is also a keen sustainability advocate.

“I am excited to give back to Exeter University students in my role as trustee at the Guild, and help all existing and future students love it as much as I did.”

Harriet Jones

Harriet Jones

Harriet is an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion specialist based in Exeter, with 10 years’ professional experience leading and influencing organisations on EDI by targeting the underlying causes of inequality.  She has implemented impactful actions to progress systemic and cultural change in complex organisations, including Universities and most recently for the NHS. Harriet is committed to seeing the Guild at the forefront of EDI innovation and debate.

Julie Walkling

Julie Walkling

Experienced HE leader and professional since ‘95. Held roles at Director, Executive and Board levels. Passionate about student success and the transformational power and value of higher education. Vice-Chair of the Board, supports the President in the performance management of the Chief Executive. "Love being a Trustee at the Guild. It’s brilliant to be able to support students, officers and staff in this way."

Margaret Laithwaite

Margaret Laithwaite

Held the role of Deputy Director of Finance at the University of Exeter for over 11 years, and before that was Head of Financial Operations at The University of Manchester. Finance specialist knowledge and a strong advocate for student experience and student voice.

"Being a Guild Trustee enables me to play a fundamental role in an organisation that can really make a difference to the University life of a student, preparing them for their future whatever that may be. I feel that I can use my 30 years of University senior management experience to support and challenge the CEO, Senior Management and the Board in a positive and constructive manner. As a student led organisation it allows me to continue to mix with and see how fantastic these young people are."