
Referred/Deferred Assignment Results and Appeals

Students have been receiving their referred/deferred examination results from Monday 5 September. We hope that everyone has done as well as they hoped, and all students should be incredibly proud of their continued hard work and perseverance this year, and we are confident that it will have paid off. 


If you find that your results haven’t gone entirely plan, or that you’re unhappy with an academic decision for an exam, coursework or your overall degree, then you have the right to submit a formal appeal. 


Any student can submit an appeal, but the success of the appeal depends on whether the student meets the University’s appeal grounds, with evidence to support their claim. The three grounds on which appeals can be successful are summarised on our website and include: 

1. The exam board wasn't aware of information about circumstances affecting your performance, which would have been relevant in its decision and which you had good reason for not providing at the time;

2. The University did not properly follow its own processes and this was significant enough to affect the decision made about your results;

3. There was bias on the part of examiners, which you can prove or which you can show reasonable grounds to perceive.

It is important to note that students have ten working days from the date that results are received to submit a formal appeal. As Monday 19 September has now been declared as a Bank Holiday, this day will not be included in the 10 working days.

The 10 working day deadline means that you should prepare the appeal, and gather any evidence, as soon as you can. You will need to complete the Formal Appeal Form and send it to the relevant College Cases email address that can be found here. 

A decision as to the success of your appeal will normally take up to 30 days. 

Support from Advice

We know that submitting an academic appeal can be stressful, particularly if your overall degree will be hindered in any way. Our Advice Team at the Students’ Guild are able to assist and support students with any academic matters, including the process of appealing results. 

To discuss any queries or concerns with regards to your results, please get in touch and book an online appointment with one of our trained advisors who will be more than happy to help. 

For any further support that you might need following your results, there is also the University’s Wellbeing Service that can provide resources and professional support if you need it. 

At the Students’ Guild, we are here to help and support you, so please get in touch if you are in need of any support and assistance with your results. 

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