
Our students give their top tips for starting at Exeter

With the new university year starting soon, we’re sharing some advice and tips from current and past students based on their own experiences of Welcome Week.

Natalie - Welfare Officer of Nightline:

“Starting university can be both daunting and exciting, or it might be both, and that's ok. Your welcome experience can be whatever you want it to be. Make sure you know what support is available to you through Wellbeing and the Students Guild.

Think about joining 3 societies so you don’t over-commit yourself. Join one society that reminds you of home, one that connects you with home or your culture, and something you’re good at!”

Ocean - Student of Colour Association:

“Make sure to take full advantage of all the student discounts available and don’t be scared to reach out to your flatmates and invite them to events. Also, if you start to feel out of place as a POC in Exeter, the Students of Colour Association is the right place for you to find your people!”

Meg Hatfield - Campaigns and Causes officer of NDSS:

“Remember to listen to yourselves, you don’t have to sign up for absolutely everything, take your time, you can always join societies later on in the year.

Take time to decorate your room and relax in your space. This will help ease homesickness.

If you have an ILP(Individual Learning Plan), email your seminar teacher to say Hi, get them to read it and clarify with them your particular access arrangements.

Don’t feel pressure to drink - there is plenty of time to make friends without forcing yourself out of your comfort zone.

Keep an eye on Instagram for the release of society events and the access arrangements provided for them.

There will be people at the uni you will feel truly comfortable with, can relax around and not feel the pressure to mask with. You likely won’t find them in the first week, be patient and be yourself, you will find them.”

Becky - Be the Change co-President & Mind Your Head Welfare Sec:

“It can be really easy to lose yourself, and try to fit in. Be open to new things but stay true to your values, beliefs and self.”

You have so many opportunities here at Exeter to get involved with, including national events and campaigns. As much as your studies are important, also prioritise spending time with your friends, course mates and for yourself to rest.

Please reach out if you're feeling like you need someone to talk to.

University Wellbeing are here to help with lots of resources, and appointments available.

Exeter Nightline is open every night 20:00 – 08:00 during term time offering a confidential listening service, run by students. Find the number on the back of your UniCard.

Our Guild Advice Team can help with queries relating to finance, housing, and your studies.

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