
Looking after yourself in term 1

We hope you’re settling into your course, and life at uni generally. We’ve got some tips for you on the best way to keep yourself well this term!

Have you signed up to a GP yet? It’s important to register with a surgery so you can get a doctor’s appointment when you need one. You can register with the Student Health Centre, or if you prefer you can find the surgery closest to where you are living. You can search and register online.

If you’re feeling like you haven’t settled in yet, things are a bit overwhelming or you’re feeling isolated and lonely, please reach out or some support. All of these feelings are totally normal, and you won’t be the only one feeling this way.

We all have mental health and if you’re feeling depressed or anxious, never feel ashamed to get the support you need. There are also lots of peer support groups led by students where you can meet and talk to other people with similar experiences.

If you’re looking to meet new people, joining a society is a great way to meet people outside of your accommodation and course. With almost 300 groups to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something of interest. Or come along to one of our Give it a Go trips to try anew craft or explore somewhere new.

You’ve probably heard people talking about Freshers’ Flu – coughs and colds are everywhere this time of year! To help stay healthy, we recommend:

·       Drinking lots of water

·       Regularly washing your hands or using hand sanitiser

·       Making sure you’re getting enough rest.

·       Eat healthy foods – fruit and veg gives you those all-important vitamins.

Don’t forget you can grab a hot, nutritious and vegan meal for£2 on the first floor of Devonshire House! Here’s a sample menu.

Loving your uni experience so far, but not your course? Or maybe you are stressing about how you are going to manage financially? Our friendly Advice team can help. Contact the team for a chat about any of these worries – they can offer a confidential, no judgement chat to explore your options.

Tips from your Officers and current students to help you settle in
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A message to our students on mental health…
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